Good for the body,
good for the mind,
good for the soul.

Here at Sea + Steam we aim to help as many people as possible achieve the very best versions of themselves. Saunas have been used for centuries in counties as far reaching as Japan and Turkey. In Finland they call the sauna ‘The poor man’s pharmacy’, with an estimated 3.3 million saunas for a population of around 5.5 million.

The physical benefits of saunas have long been widely recognized to aid with detoxification, improvements in circulation, sleep and skin conditions. Research has shown using a sauna regularly has a significant reduction in the rates of cardiovascular disease, dementia and depression.   

Compared with men who reported one Sauna bathing session per week, the risk of Sudden Cardiac Death was 22 % lower for 2 to 3 sauna bathing sessions per week and 63% lower for 4 to 7 sauna sessions per week. JAMA Network Journals February 23 2015.  

A ground breaking Finnish study in middle aged men showed that going to the sauna 4-7 times a week reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by a remarkable 65% compared to going to the sauna only once a week. LAUKKANEN 2017 

For further Information and research visit the British Sauna Society website. 

How to use the sauna

For first time use, it is recommended that users are in the sauna for 5-10 minutes and work up to 15-20 minutes. Allowing the body to cool down between sessions, this can be done by standing outside the sauna. This can then be repeated within the allocated time frame.

If you feel unwell or dizzy, drowsy or sleepy at any point during your session, it is best to exit the sauna. Everyone reacts differently to heat, so it is important to listen to your body, starting small and building up your time.

And of course, make sure you… Sit, relax, breathe and enjoy the view…


Sauna Safety

You must not use the sauna if you have high or low blood pressure or any heart or circulatory disorder or suffer from epilepsy or diabetes, if you are pregnant or prone to dizziness or fainting. 

Please consult a doctor if you are taking any prescription medication, suffer from any conditions that can interfere with your ability to sweat, have and health concerns or if you are under medical care, have had any metal rods, pins or implants, artificial joints or silicone implants.  

Prolonged exposure to the high heat within the sauna can result in overheating. So please do limit yourself to 15-20 minutes in the sauna at any one time. Allow your body to cool down between sessions . If you feel dizzy, nauseous, uncomfortable, or sleepy at any point exit the sauna as soon as you can. 

Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after your sauna session.  

You should not use the sauna under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If we suspect you might be intoxicated, you could be refused entry. Please make us aware of any conditions that you have that may be mistaken for intoxication prior to your session via our Contact Us page listing your name and the session time and date 

Any metal such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, or watches should be removed before entering the sauna as these could get extremely hot and cause burns.  

No glass allowed in the sauna, including in the changing area. 

No smoking or vaping is permitted in the sauna, including the changing area.  

Electronics do not like extreme heat. We recommend you do not take electronic items such as smart watches, phones into the sauna. If you do so it is at your own risk, Sea and Steam is not responsible for any damage to equipment. 

The sauna stove is very hot. You should not touch the stove under any circumstances. If you burn yourself on the stove, you should notify a member of staff immediately so that they can administer burn relief and first aid.


What to bring

You should bring two towels, one to sit on in the sauna and one for use outside of the sauna. The benches can get hot, so sitting on a towel will make your session more comfortable. It also helps to maintain sauna hygiene for yourself and fellow users.

Users must wear swim wear. No rudie nudie I am afraid.  

Please bring water to help keep you hydrated. You will sweat a lot in the sauna and so you need to take on plenty of extra fluids to help rehydrate and flush out those toxins.  

Sandals, water shoes or sliders are great for ease.

You may want to bring comfortable loose clothing to change into after your sauna session.

Each session begins on the hour or half, so we kindly ask that you leave enough time to change and vacate the sauna in time for the next guests to begin their session. 

There are coat hooks and storage for each user to store your belongings. Sea + Steam is not responsible for any loss or damage to belongings while you are in the sauna.  

Contact lens wearers may want to remove their lenses, or use eye drops as the sauna can dry these out.